Monday, December 26, 2011

Poetry Exercise: Free Association

I don't know if I am doing this correctly, but I read somewhere that one of the exercises in learning how to write poetry is what they call "Free Association"  (please feel free to correct me as I'm not really sure what I'm talking about here).  I think the objective is to select some words or phrases and try to make a poem out of them.  I did one yesterday and  listed words I read from an article:

white walls and floors
cabinets painted white
gray clouds

I came up with this work --

Cleaning House

On your return I carefully swept
some yesterdays that you were gone 
out of the door, out
where the cobwebs of gray clouds spread on the sky
and sunlight caught like flies and dusts.
The broom scoured meticulously
the white walls and floors,
and the feather duster brushed as best as it can
the corners of cabinets painted white
to shoo away that insect solitude
crawling on all eights.

Shoot me some of your thoughts.  :-)

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